Sushi is a traditional dish in Japan. It is made from raw fish which is surrounded by rice and wrapped in seaweed.
The origin of sushi can be traced back to the 4th century BC in Southeast Asia. Rice was used to help preserve the fish (The clean and gutted fish were placed in rice, which because of its natural fermentation was a good way to keep and store fish for a long period of time). After a few months of storage it was taken out and only the fish was eaten.
Sushi was first introduced to Japan in the 8th century AD. Ever since this time sushi has been a popular dish in Japanese Cuisine. It was the Japanese who created a way to eat not only the fish but the rice as well. This dish was unique to the Japanese culture. Today, many different kinds of sushi have been created. Instead of rice being used to ferment and preserve the fish, it is now combined with other vegetables and dried preserved food to form many different kinds of sushi. However the original sushi (made from raw fish, surrounded by rice and wrapped in seaweed) will always have a place in the heart of the Japanese. Below in a recipe that uses raw tuna to flavor the sushi.